Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Account

Just made a new psn account for the blog. If anyone wants to add me as a friend my psn is Blopskiller. Also cod multiplayer needs to be fixed, a level 8 against a bunch of level 35+ doesn't make sense.


  1. cod multi will never be fixed, its a money game to them now, i remember when cod didnt come out each year, its a firgging sports game now with updated rosters and the same fuckign game everytime but somehow worse

  2. Well, I don't feel like ranks are that important when you get a feel for the game. Still, the best COD were the second and MW1

  3. In cod the levels are mostly irrelevent. Play hardcore and the guns range is the only difference between them. Or go MW2

  4. COD 1 was definitely the best game in the COD series. I just hope that they come up with another game to live up to the awesomeness that was COD soon! Great blog, by the way. Some really good stuff. Check out my blog about random poetry if you have any time. Peace!

  5. As DSonora said, COD 1 is the best COD game ever.
    Hopefully they'll make one that can compete with it.

  6. I was more of a halofag, hate such short lived lives, but yes, cod1 was teh bestest

  7. yeah, i wouldn't expect that to get fixed anytime soon.

  8. Wayyy too much hate on this post. Black Ops is a masterpiece, definitely the best in the series hands down.

  9. Yeah, I love PS3, but the multiplayer pales in comparison to the 360 it seems like.

  10. too bad I got no PS3 would love some blogger gaming could you also check my blog out? its new and fresh!
